Not all games are played on the field. The sport of life is played at the construction site, in the factory, or at a desk. Long hours, manual labor, arduous tasks, or hours at a computer can all wreak havoc on the neck.

The neck has long been a cause for loss of productivity in the workplace. Even more critical, the neck can cause injury in the workplace due to fatigue or a decrease in mobility. The exponential growth of computer and mobile phone use creates a postural challenge that makes our dynamic support systems inherently weaker when participating in work, sports, or even when relaxing.

Much like sports, injuries to the neck in the workplace can be categorized in three ways:

  1. Repetition: Repetitive tasks of the neck-shoulder-arm complex, whether in a manufacturing or office setting, contribute significantly to neck injury in the workplace.
  2. Posture: The world is now a sitting culture, where static postures create weakness in musculature, added load on joints over time, and reduced mobility. These postures in non-sitting, high static, or dynamic load scenarios increase the chance of neck impairment and disability.
  3. Force: Occupations requiring lifting or high force loads are at risk for neck impairment or disability, particularly those using their upper extremities.

Occupational athletes are at risk just like their counterparts in sport.

Kapsul™ hopes to proceed with further testing to understand better how to support the neck within the workplace and how best to integrate our collar within appropriate apparel.

Contact us if you’re interested in becoming a partner within the occupational space.


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